Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Feel Free! Almost...

So on Wednesday (which if you're like me and have a hard time keeping track of the days from time to time was yesterday), I quit my job. I would urge you not to sign up as a replacement for the spot I left open you see Company X (I won't say the name but if you're thinking about a large craft store you're on the right track) was not a very good place to work... especially at 3 or 5 in the morning restocking shelves. I'd come home from work and cry because I was so unhappy. Then I decided enough is enough!

And I went to the store and handed in my resignation, effectively washing my hands of the place forever.

So what now? Well, I quite fancy working at a bookstore where I can breathe literature in. I got an application to this great place called the Book Bin in Corvallis (even though these other places didn't give me an application, I still urge you to visit the Grassroots bookstore or the Browser's Bookstore if you're ever here for a Beaver game...). Fingers crossed that they discover they desperately need me to work there!!

But now that I don't have much to do... what is there to do? Well whatever I come up with I can't drive there. That's right. My lovely blue PT Cruiser (it's getting on in years but it's such a reliable car) decided it was going to die. So far it's going to cost over 1200 dollars to fix and I just hope and pray that it won't go up any higher.

So instead I cleaned the apartment today. From top to bottom. Except I didn't do the dishes. That's my boyfriend's job. If anyone else is out there cleaning today- my sympathies are with you. I hate cleaning.

Now I think I'm going to watch my movie. I highly recommend it, it's cute and silly and based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. That's right- it's "Bride and Prejudice" the Indian almost Bollywood version- how ever did you guess?

May your day be filled with gladness and something to hold on to (besides cleaning products of course).

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hello New World

I never really thought that I would be the blogging type.

But then I thought- why not? After all, I have opinions! I have things to say! I have a passion for life that must be shared! And so here I am.

What you might ask can you expect from Flickering Fancies?
Just that- a stream of ideas and statements that capture my imagination. You may see recipes, poetry, political commentary, book and movie reviews, and more.

So let's start the show shall we?